General Assembly and new Board in Germany

General Assembly and new Board in Germany

The German University Sports Federation (ADH) held its General Assembly on November 18, 2013 at the Ruhr University in Bochum. The Assembly got a lot of attention due to successes and achievemensts of ADH in the past and the fact that this was an electoral Assembly.


ADH Assembly elected a new President - Mr Felix Arnold, student from the University of Göttingen. Within his mandate, Mr Arnold expressed his wish to expedite the change of structure inside the federation. Mr Arnold is the first student at the top of ADH since the middle of the 1960s. 

ADH President Mr Felix Arnold


The Assembly also elected five other board members for the next two years term. Mr Roland Joachim (University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt) will lead the financial department and Mr Sebastian Sdrenka (Clausthal University of Technology) the competitions for two more years. Newly elected board members are Mr Jörg Förster (Free University of Berlin) for public relations and marketing, Mr Moritz Mann (Leuphana University of Lüneburg) for the education department and Ms Kirsten Stegemann (Uni Lüneburg) for equal opportunities and human resource development. Mr Paul Wedeleit, ADH Secretary General completes the board.

New board


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