General Assembly and new Board in Czech Republic

General Assembly and new Board in Czech Republic
The General Assembly of Czech University Sport Association (CAUS) took place in Prague on 23rd November 2012, with the participation of more as hundred delegates and guests. The delegates evaluated last working periods and elected new Executive Committee of CAUS for the next four years 2012-2016.
The President of CAUS is again prof. dr. Frantisek Dvorak. The remaining six members are dr. Eva Slonkova, prof. dr. Frantisek Taborsky, prof. dr. Jiri Drnek, dr. Ivana Ertlova, dr. Petr Podlaha and dr. Svatopluk Horak. Mr Dvorak, Mrs Slonkova and Mr Taborsky are in Executive Committee of CAUS already from 1990, after political changes in former Czechoslovakia.
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