General Assembly and Gala in Sweden

General Assembly and Gala in Sweden

The Swedish University Sports Federation had its General Assembly 22-24 October. The assembly, held in Västerås, Sweden, was well attended and Johanna S:t Clair Renard was re-elected President for her third term of office, until 2012. Stefan Bergh, Vice President of FISU, was elected Honorary President and received the mark of honor for his distinguished achievements in developing university sports in Sweden and abroad.

I am overwhelmed and very honored, says Stefan Bergh. University sports plays a central part of my life and I am very grateful for this acknowledgement. I am full of inspiration to continue working with the development of University sports.


Jessica Samuelsson winning the heptathlon in Belgrade

During the Gala Dinner, the Swedish University Sports Awards were announced. The international award was given to the heptathlonist Jessica Samuelsson, who won the gold medal at the Summer Universiade in Belgrade.

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