General Assembly and Conference of CEDU

General Assembly and Conference of CEDU

The University of Almeria hosted last week the Assembly of the Spanish University Sports Committee (CEDU) which was chaired by the Director General of Sports of the National Sports Council (CSD), Ms Ana Muñoz and the Rector of the University of Almeria Dr Pedro Molina.


The main sport representatives responsible of 50 Spanish universities met in the University of Almeria on November 28, together with the representatives of the National Sports Council, to evaluate the national and international activities of university sport developed during 2013 and present the activities planned for 2014.

Plenary speakers at the Assembly


In her opening speech, Ms Muñoz presented activities on which the CSD is already working and emphasized efforts to eliminate administrative obstacles that impede business involvement in university sport. Mr Aitor Canibe Sanchez, also member of EUSA Executive Committee, introduced the report about the national and international activities in 2013 and 2014.

Mr Aitor Canibe Sanchez presenting the reports

The University of Almeria hosted the day before the National Conference of University Sports on behalf of CEDU. Here questions about the future of Spanish university sport were discussed, especially regarding the reformulation of national competitions and structures.


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