Gala evening celebrates sport in France

Gala evening celebrates sport in France
For the fourth consecutive year, the French Olympic Committee (CNOSF) organised the traditional Gala evening of World Champions. The event took place on January 16 in the CNOSF amphitheater ‘Nelson Paillou’ in Paris. In a friendly atmosphere, some 80 of last year’s golden champions were present. In total, no less than 42 federations were involved in 2013 in Olympic disciplines, university sport, Paralympic sports, non-Olympic disciplines and military sport.

Best athletes, including University event medallists
At the Gala, also French University Sport Federation (FFSU) was present and the best university students were awarded. In the presence of Mr Jean-François Sautereau, FFSU President; Vincent Rognon, FFSU National Director and Damien Bardot, FFSU Director of Communications & Partnerships, eight French 2013 Universiade gold medallists were celebrated and rewarded by various personalities, in the presence of Mrs Valerie Fourneyron, French Minister of Sports and Mr Denis Masseglia, CNOSF President.
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