Gala and Assembly in Croatia

Gala and Assembly in Croatia

The Croatian University Sports Federation (HSSS) held their gala in December, followed by their annual general assembly.

Both events took place at the Rectorate of the University of Zagreb. Participants were welcomed by the President of the Croatian University Sports Federation Mr Zrinko Custonja and invited guests - Vice-Rector of the University of Zagreb dr. Bojan Baletic, Director of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sport Mr Zeljko Klaric and EUSA Vice-President and FISU EC Committee Member Mr Sinisa Jasnic.



At the ceremony, the Almanah of Croatian university sport (2001-2010) was presented and two new projects - ebulletin Sportisimus and new Croatian student sport portal were introduced by the Secretary General of HSSS Mr Ronald Strumberger.

The Assembly that followed was also intereseting because of its electoral status. The function of the president of the federation was entrusted again to Mr Zrinko Čustonja, and the elected Vice Presidents are Mr Haris Pavletic and Ante Prizmic.


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