GA of the Swiss University Sports Federation

GA of the Swiss University Sports Federation
Swiss University Sports Federation (SHSV/FSSU) held its annual General Assembly on April 1, 2009. The president of federation, Andreas L. Csonka, praised in his annual report the very successful Swiss students at the World University Championships 2008 and the Winter Universiade in Harbin 2009. Indeed, in 2008 the SHSV sent teams to 18 WUC. The Swiss delegations won 9 Gold medals, 7 Silver medals and 2 Bronze medals. At the WU 2009 in Harbin the Swiss team realized the best result ever, winning 14 (7/3/4) medals and being placed 5th in the ranking behind China, Russia, Korea and Japan.

The SHSV supported also the Swiss University Champions taking part in the EUC 2008. 10 teams of 6 Swiss Universities, namely Berne, Geneva, Lausanne, Neuchâtel, St. Gallen and Zurich, participated at 7 different EUC. Only the Rowing team from Zurich and the Ladies’ double at the EUC Badminton were successful by winning medals.


The accounts of the Federation showed a deficit of 10,000 Swiss francs, less than foreseen in the budget. The delegates accepted to divide the Technical Commission of the SHSV in a International Technical Commission and a National Technical Commission. As a new member they welcomed the "Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz" which brings the total number of members to 15 with more than 130,000 students.

 Head of WU-Delegation Erich Hanselmann, Double Goldmedal winner Tamara Wolf, Head of Elite sports Fredi Schneider, Secretary Cécile Baumgartner and Managing Director Leonz Eder (from right to left)

Finally, the delegates nominated Frédéric Sottas, former director of University Sports in Fribourg, as a Honorary member, and paid homage to Hans-Peter Denzler, Chief of the Swiss Alpine Skiing Students Team since 1977.

 SHSV-President Andreas L. Csonka with Frédéric Sottas (left) and Hanspeter Denzler

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