Friendship Games 2011

Friendship Games 2011

ASA Academic Sport Association - Israel, Tel Aviv University Sports Club, Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya in partnership with the Israel Basketball Federation and Sport for Develoment and Peace, under the patronage of EUSA and FISU are organising the Friendship Games 2011 between May 27 and June 3, 2011 in Eilat, Israel.

The programme encompasses Basketball Competitions for men’s and women’s teams, cultural events and tours of Jerusalem, Dead Sea, and King Solomon mines.


Men's winning team 2010

The Friendship Games mission is to create peace in the Middle East and other countries of conflict by bringing together student basketball players at the university level for a week long basketball tournament. Students of the world, of all religions, have a chance to meet for an unforgetable experience.

Future generations can continue the effort to make international peace a reality and The Friendship Games is one step towards providing participants with the experience and the skills to create an identity and dialogue within the global community.


Women's winning team 2010

The winners of last year's tournaments were the men's team from Cyprus and the women's Liberty team from the USA.


As a point of interest, the Annual General Assembly of EUSA will also take place in Eilat between March 3 and 6, 2011.

To register and get more information, please see

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