FISU Young Sport Journalist Seminar

FISU Young Sport Journalist Seminar

FISU, the International University Sports Federation, has launched a sports journalism education programme to provide young sport journalists with a unique training experience during the upcoming 26th Summer Universiade in Shenzhen, China from August 12th to 23rd, 2011.

FISU will invite 10 young sport journalists from five continents to the Games in Shenzhen alongside the athletes where they will receive specialized media training from seasoned mentors of the International Sports Press Association (AIPS).

The Young Reporters’ programme aims to include 19 to 25-year-old journalists resp. students in sports journalism from the five continents of Africa, America, Asia, Oceania and Europe right into the middle of the Games for 14 days, with full access to the competition venues. They will be joined by Chinese colleagues selected by the Shenzhen OC and international colleagues selected by AIPS.

FISU will nominate 10 Young Sport Journalists on the basis of performance and promise. They could be university students engaged in journalism studies or young professionals already working full-time in the news media.

All costst are covered - FISU will cover the cost of airfares, while the Shenzhen OC will provide accommodation and meals and AIPS will provide professional trainers and seasoned journalists who will act as mentors and coaches.


All interested individuals are welcome to apply until May 15th, 2011. For more information and application form, please see

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