FISU Workshops for 2019 Universiade Bidders

FISU Workshops for 2019 Universiade Bidders

On May 11th, FISU hosted a seminar and workshops for the bidding cities that want to host a Universiade in 2019. The event took place at the Château de la Solitude, the headquarters of the Foundation for the Development of International University Sport (FIDSU) in Brussels, Belgium.


Bidding committees’ delegates of the five candidate cities for 2019 – Baku (AZE), Brasilia (BRA) and Budapest (HUN) for Summer & Krasnoyarsk (RUS) and Le Valais (SUI) for Winter Universiades attended the seminar to learn more of FISU and the preparations of a Universiade.

FISU President Mr Gallien addressing the participants


The participants were welcomed by the President of the International University Sports Federation (FISU) Mr Claude-Louis Gallien. Mr Eric Saintrond, FISU Secretary General extended the welcome and introduced the history of FISU to the delegates. 


A wide array of topics were tackled during the seminar: Minimum Requirements to host a Universiade; the FISU Family; Creation of an OC; Financial Obligations; Budget and Master Plan; Relations between FISU and ISF, NSF, NUSF, OC; Sport Venues and Venue Operations; Accreditation and Registration; Information Technology and Communications; Media and Broadcasting; Marketing; Athletes’ Village, Catering & Transportation; Security; Medical Services and Doping Control; Protocol and Ceremony; Educational Events; Observer Programme and the FISU Legacy Programme.

FISU Secretary General Mr Saintrond presenting the History of FISU


The seminar ended with a separate break-out sessions for Winter and Summer Universiade candidates.


Some Quotes of the Members of the Five Bidding Committees:

- Claude-Louis Roch (Valais, SUI), former State Councilor and Head of the Department of Education, Culture and Sport of the Canton du Valais: "The organization of the Winter Universiade in 2019 would be an unexpected opportunity for the region to develop sports facilities and allow future generations to enjoy their favorite sport in ideal conditions."

- Gyorg Kovacs (Budapest, HUN), Deputy Secretary-General of the Hungarian University Sports Federation and Bidding Committee communication liaison with FISU and the ISFs: "The Universiade could offer us the opportunity to return to the core values that will connect sport and education even more."

- Ekaterina Peshkova (Krasnoyarsk, RUS), Vice-Governor of the Krasnoyarsk region: “The Winter Universiade is a great opportunity for the region of Krasnoyarsk to develop its sports facilities but also to show our modern city to the world."

- Philip Michler (Baku, AZE), Head of Planning and Coordination and Thomas Wallewein, Head of Communications of the Bidding Committee: "For the young nation of Azerbaijan, the Universiade is a vector for the development of sport in the universities. The Universiade will also allow the city to take advantage of new sports facilities."

- Julio Cesar Ribeiro (Brasilia, BRA), Secretary of Sports of Brazil: "For the city of Brasilia, the Universiade will enable the development of sport in universities and give a wonderful legacy to the city in terms of quality sports facilities."

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