FISU Vice-President visits TUSF Office

FISU Vice-President visits TUSF Office

The Vice-President of International University Sports Federation (FISU), Mr Leopold Senghor visited the Office of the Turkish University Sports Federation (TUSF) in Ankara, Turkey on November 1, 2016.

Mr Senghor attended the 12th World University Wrestling Championship, which was organized October 25-30 in Çorum, Turkey, as the FISU Representative (FISU CISCA Chair).

Closing event of WUC Wrestling in Corum

After the closing ceremony of the championship and before his return to Senegal, Mr Senghor was hosted by Mr Kemal Tamer, TUSF President, Mr Erdogan Celebi, TUSF Secretary General and Mr Murat Aslan, TUSF International Relations Department manager.

TUSF Secretary General and FISU Vice-President

FISU Vice-President thanked the Turkish University Sports Federation, Hitit University (the host University in Corum where the European Universities Futsal Championship 2017 will be organized) and all the institutions for their contribution to the championship which was successfully realized in the Turkish city of Corum.

For more information about TUSF, please see

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