FISU Seminar for 2017 Universiade

FISU Seminar for 2017 Universiade
The FISU Seminar for the 2017 Summer Universiade hosted by the International University Sports Federation (FISU) and the Organising Committee of the 29th Summer Universiade, Taipei was organised between March 13 and 16 in Taipei.
Specialists and officials from FISU gathered to share their experience and knowledge on Game Planning with more than a hundred participants from the central government, Taipei City Government, various National Sports Federations, and physical education colleges. Taipei City Deputy Mayor Mr Ting expressed his welcome to the FISU guests and his expectations to learn from the experts. 

Reception FISU and the Organising Committee
FISU Summer Universiade Director, Mr Marc Vandenplas stated that the Universiade is one of the most popular multi-sport games, consisting of highly complex and challenging works.
Some of the invited lectures From FISU have credential of being members of Olympic Committee, and also involved in many multi-sport event organizing works. The seminar included FISU Introduction, as well as Games Planning, Commercial Planning and Venue Planning as the three major themes.

Audience of the lectures and presentations
Amongst the topic discussed was commercial planning and venue management. The speakers Lou Lauria and Vanessa Aiello shared their knowledge and experience on the component of the Marketing Plan Agreement and FISU’s role in supporting the OC’s MPA development. FISU Media Director Mr Dejan Susovic touched upon broadcasting and media concerns for multi-sport events like the Summer Universiade. In break-out session within smaller groups various topics were discussed by Marc Vandenplas and Lisa Hindson, such as insurance issue for the Games, venue inspections, planning roadmap, volunteer programme, torch relay etc. In a plenary session, other interesting topics were introduced, like presentation on venue management and Athletes’ Village planning, by Jeff Keas and Michael Halchak.
Through the three-day seminar, OC members had open discussions with FISU experts. The experience shared and ideas got across from this seminar are certainly positive towards the preparation of the 2017 Universiade.
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