FISU Seminar for 2014 WUCs

FISU Seminar for 2014 WUCs

Every two years, the International University Sports Federation (FISU) organizes a seminar for the Organising Committees of the upcoming World University Championships.


In 2014, more than 25 Championships will take place around the globe and delegates of the Organising Committees of these events were gathered at the ‘Château de la Solitude’ in Brussels, headquarters of FIDSU, for the 2013 edition of this two-day seminar (May 16th to 17th).

Participants at the seminar

During the first day of the seminar, participants from five continents witnessed presentations on various topics such as relations with the FISU delegates, finances, sport aspects of the championships and the medical approach, protocol, and services during a WUC. Maarit Laitinen, member of the Organising Committee of the 2012 World University Wrestling Championship, presented a case study on the preparation of a WUC.

Among the other speakers were the staff members of the WUC Department; CTI WUC Chair Leonz Eder; Janice Harvey, member of the FISU Medical Committee and John Warnock, former technical delegate for Football and Futsal and current CTI Universiade Chair.

Participants' group photo


This seminar is also an opportunity for the Organising Committee delegates to share their experiences, formally in working groups, but also informally, during coffee and meal breaks. The seminar officially launched the countdown to the 2014 season of the World University Championships.

The second day was devoted to media, marketing and accreditation and included two case studies, i.e. 2012 WUC Equestrian and 2012 WUC Futsal.

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