FISU Seminar and preparations in Trentino

FISU Seminar and preparations in Trentino

FISU held a seminar in Trentino, Italy, in relation to the 26th Winter Universiade Trentino 2013 on April 15 and 16, 2013. Two days of full immersion in the Universiade world, for Trentino 2013 OC and for the volunteers already recruited for the important sports event to be held on 11-21 December 2013.

Conference banner

Opened by the welcome speeches of Sergio Anesi (President of the Trentino 2013 OC) and Alberto Pacher (President of the Autonomous Province of Trento), the seminar was divided into plenary sessions and workshops. Many FISU members shared their experience with the Organising Committee of Trentino 2013 and the volunteers, addressing different topics, like accreditation, accommodation, transportation, catering and human resources. The closing speech was delivered by FISU Secretary-General Mr Eric Saintrond, who was present throughout the seminar, conducted by the Director of the Winter Universiade, Mr Milan Augustin.

Press conference

In the days after the conference, the Inspection visit and technical meetings were organised. Mrs Kairis Ulp, member of FISU Executive Committee and responsible person for Trentino Universiade Supervision Committee and Mr Eric Saintrond, FISU Secretary General commended the preparations and results of their technical visit during the press conference taking place in Trentino Winter Universiade headquarters, settled in via Alfieri, and also featuring 26th Universiade’s president, Mr Sergio Anesi, and the Secretary General, Mr Filippo Bazzanella.

WU 2013 Conference Inspection visit


Parallel to the seminar, a visit to Rovereto, the city that will welcome the Conference of the Winter Universiade 2013 was also organised. Mrs Alison Odell, Chair of the Education Committee and Mr Kole Gjeloshaj, Director of Educational Services were welcomed by Mr Paolo Bouquet, vice-president of the OC and professor at the University of Trento and prof. Federico Schena, president of the research center CeRISM. The mayor of Rovereto, Mr Andrea Miorandi and the city councillor to the Contemporary Affairs, Ms Luisa Filippi also met with the FISU representatives.

The Conference will run on December 9 and 10 December 2013. The main theme of the Conference is "University Sport: inspiring innovation".

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