FISU Intercontinental Council Meeting

FISU Intercontinental Council Meeting

An Intercontinental Council meeting of the International University Sports Federation (FISU) was held in Brussels on 6 March. This meeting was chaired by the 1st FISU Vice-President and Chair of the Intercontinental Council, Mr Oleg Matytsin; who is also EUSA Vice-President. Together with the Vice-Chair of the Committee Mr Stefan Bergh and Mrs Alison Odell they conducted the council meeting. 


Representatives from the 5 continents attended the meeting, with Mr. Adam Roczek from EUSA (Europe), Mr Cheng Fave Seetow from AUSF (Asia), Mr Sotero Vasquez from ODUPA (America), Mr Martin Doulton from OUSA (Oceania), and Mr Jacob Stanley Nteere, Malumbete Ralethe and Penninah Kabenge representing FASU (Africa). The FISU Development Department was represented by Mr Laurent Briel, Director of Development & Special Projects, and Mrs Nicole Mangelschots, Executive Assistant of Development.

EUSA President Mr Roczek at the FISU IC meeting


After the welcome speech of the Chair of the Intercontinental Council (IC) Mr Matytsin and the approval of the agenda, a report from the Steering Committee was made, explaining the FISU strategic plan in regard to the Continental federations. Further to the IC meeting in Cordoba, strategic guidelines of the FISU Development Committee (CDSU) group were presented, including the mission of the CDSU, as set out in the Statutes approved in September 2012, the strategic objectives, the strategic development areas, high visibility of university sport, quality community structures, efficient and effective governance.


The necessity of having a clear picture about the needs of each FISU Member Association was also raised and the need to investigate FISU vision for future strategy. The FISU Member Associations must be more involved in the future and a seminar for both the Continental Federations (CF) and the National University Sports Federations (NUSF) was the idea to be proposed to the Executive Committee in order to be able to clearly explain the strategic direction FISU wants to take with regard to the CFs and its NUSFs.


A proposal for the new FISU-affiliated logotype for the CFs was presented, along with the application calendar for the 2014-2015 projects, as well as the calendar for the final reports on the 2012 projects of the CFs and the progress reports for the 2013 projects of the CFs. The FISU Development Department gave an update on the FISU financial help programme for the 2013 Summer Universiade, as well as on the FISU survey, which is to be launched soon, to complete a full screening of the activities carried out by each NUSF.

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