FISU General Assembly in Kazan

FISU General Assembly in Kazan

July 3 and 4, the General Assembly of the International University Sports Federation (FISU) had its assembly meeting. After a short welcome by FISU President Mr Claude-Louis Gallien, the floor was given to Mr Ildar Khalikov, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan. He proudly stated that in a few days we will witness one of the most ambitious multi-sport events in the world in Kazan.

Mr Ildar Khalikov, Prime Minister of Tatarstan

After the approval of the report of the previous assembly, President Gallien presented his report. ‘FISU is more than you think FISU is’, the FISU President said. Don’t forget that our Continental Members and our National Membership organise so many activities and events.’ The President continued about the opportunities; but also the threats University Sport faces as we currently live in difficult times. He summoned the membership to take strategic decisions with a positive attitude towards the future, and also managing the challenges.


FISU Secretary-General Mr Eric Saintrond presented his report, giving an overview of the changes in the administration as well as the future developments regarding the FISU offices. He also gave an overview of the recent previous staged events by FISU and informed about the upcoming FISU events as well as the new attribution procedure for the World University Championships. Mr Saintrond also gave an insight in the upcoming Universiades in 2013, 2015 and 2017 and the bidding situation for 2019 with Baku (AZE), Brasilia (BRA) and Budapest (HUN) bidding for the Summer Universiade and Krasnoyarsk (RUS) and Valais (SUI) as Winter Universiade candidates for the 2019 editions.


FISU Treasurer Mr Bayasgalan Danzandorj, Internal Auditor Adrian Gagea and External KPMG Auditor presented their reports. Afterwards, proposals of modifications of the FISU Statutes and Internal Regulations were voted. The General Assembly also accepted new member associations; Bahamas, Niger, Suriname and Trinidad & Tobago joined the federation, bringing the total of FISU Member Associations to 167.


The Assembly also accepted the possibility for the EC to further continue to explore the possibility for a United Korean Team competing at the Gwangju Universiade, one of the projects of the Gwangju Universiade Legacy. The first day session of the GA ended with the Membership discharging the EC for the period 2011-2013 and approving the proposed budget for 2014-2015.

Mrs Natalia Parshikova, Secretary of State, Deputy Minister of Sport, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation


On the final day of the Assembly, the floor was given to the FISU events organisers, staring with the 2013-2017 Summer and Winter Universiades, with a special focus on the imminent Kazan Universiade. FISU Vice-President Mr Leonz Eder and World University Championships' Chair gave an overview of the 2012 World University Championships and the upcoming events in 2014. He also explained the new attribution procedure for 2016.

Special Anniversary Award to the Swedish University Sports Federation (SAIF)


A special award was given to the Swedish NUSF that celebrated its 100th Anniversary this year and 50th anniversary of hosting the 1st world University Handball Championship in Lund in 1963.

Gender Equality Award went to the Norwegian University Sports Federation


FISU Assessor Mrs Rosaura Mendez, Chair of the Gender Equality Committee, presented the Women’s Award to the Norwegian NUSF. The Award was received by its President Mr Sjur Oyen: ‘I’m very humble to receive this award. It is not only the recognition of team work but also the recognition of the great work of the FISU Forum in Taipei where we were inspired to pursue our project.’

Jean Petitjean award recipients


President Gallien explained the new FISU Award ‘Jean Petitjean’ for outstanding services to the FISU Community. The award was given to former EC members Alf Laser (AUS), Frits Holzer (SUI), Roberto Outeiriño (ESP), Li Guobin (CHN) and Madgid Gadouche (ALG).

Assembly participants


The assembly was attended by 120 member associations out of 163, and delegates of the associated members - continental organisations, including the European University Sports Association (EUSA), represented by its President Mr Adam Roczek and Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik.

ADH - German delegation

Most EUSA members are represented at the FISU Assembly, also having their national delegations at the World University Games which will start in a few days. EUSA members are very active in FISU; not only as participants, but also as the organisers. In 2013, the Summer Universiade in Kazan is strongly supported and facilitated by the Russian Students Sport Union (RSSU) while the Winter Universiade by the Italian University Sport Centre (CUSI). Apart from the hosts and the largest nations, also (other) European countries have strong delegation, like Germany with over 200 participants strong.

(Part of the) EUSA Executive Committee members in Kazan


Several EUSA Executive Committee members are also present in Kazan in various functions, either in FISU bodies, leading the national teams as the Heads of delegations or are in other roles as officials. An informal meeting of the Executive Committee is planned to take place in a fe days after the Opening Ceremony of the Summer Universiade.


For more information about the FISU General Assembly, please see


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