FISU Gender Equality Round Table

FISU Gender Equality Round Table

The Gender Equality Committee of the International University Sports Federation (FISU) held a round table conference on July 16th during the 27th Summer Universiade in Kazan, Russia. The event was held in the headquarters of the FISU International Educational Centre. Although the majority of participants were women from all parts of the world, there were a number of men present as well, including the representatives of the European University Sports Association Mr Aitor Canibe Sanchez, Executive Committee member and Mr Andrej Pisl, EUSA Communications manager. 

Mrs Mendez Opening the Round Table

The event was opened by Mrs Rosaura Mendez Gamboa, Chair of the FISU Gender Equality Committee and member of the Executive Committee and introduced three keynote speakers: Mrs Elida Alfaro, gender equality expert and professor at the Technical University of Madrid; Mrs Helen Searle, Executive Committee member of the International Korfball Federation (IKF) and Mrs Raija Mattila, Co-Chair of the International Working Group (IWG).

A number of gender equality issues were highlighted within the sporting culture and the FISU structure itself. It was highlighted that women have overcome many barriers in the sporting world, but there are still many ‘glass ceilings’ to break through for management positions, for example: Difficulties to reconcile professional and private life and masculine stereotypes associated with leadership roles. The speakers proudly announced that in September last year the Gender Equality Committee became a permanent committee in the FISU organization.

Mrs Elisa Alfaro


Mrs Alfaro, University Professor in Madrid, began the discussions, highlighting the significant participation number differences in the last Olympic Games – 55,8% men to 44,2% women. She also noted that in her country Spain, University sport has an overwhelming 63,43% participation of men. “Together we can build a more equitable FISU that provides opportunities for all of us, without distinction of continent, race colour or religion or language. We want to build a FISU for all of us,” said Mrs Alfaro.

Mrs Helen Searle


Korfball was presented by Mrs Searle from the IKF as one of the few – if not the only – sports which combines men and women playing together. It not only requires male and female roles, but also each player needs to play in different position. She introduced the philosophy and history of the sport and also addressed the challenges it faces.

Mrs Raija Mattila


“If we want to have equality, we need to have a policy and supportive measures,” said Mrs Mattila, the Co-chair of the international working group on women and sport (IWG). She also introduced the 6th IWG World Conference on Women and Sport, which is to take place next June in Helsinki. 

(Part of the) Participants

After the plenary part, a discussion was opened, at which all participants had the chance to express their views and propose measures how to ensure and implement gender equality and equity in university sport.

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