FISU Forum 2014

FISU Forum 2014

The 2014 FISU Forum took place in Gwangju, South Korea between March 17 and 22. The event was organised by the International University Sports Federation (FISU), the 2015 Gwangju Summer Universiade Organizing Committee (GUOC) and the Korean University Sports Board (KUSB).


The main theme of the Forum was University Sport: Networking Platform to Advance the Technical, Social and Cultural Skills of Young Leaders. Subthemes of the 2014 FISU Forum were: Ethics: Individual Social Responsibility and/vs. University Sport Responsibility; Social Media in University Sport: New Challenges; University Sport: A Fair Culture for Sustainable Development from Gender Studies Perspective; and Leadership in Large Scale University Sports Events.

Mr Oleg Matytsin, FISU 1st Vice President at the Opening


The opening ceremony for the 2014 FISU Forum Gwangju took place on March 17 and was attended by Mr Kang Un-tae, Chairman of GUOC and Mayor of Gwangju City, Mr Oleg Matytsin, FISU First Vice-President, Stefan Bergh, FISU Vice President, Luciano Cabral, FISU Vice President, Leonz Eder, FISU Vice President, Alison Odell, FISU First Assessor, Eric Saintrond, FISU Secretary General, as well as other participants of the forum coming from all over the world.

Ms Levi and Hoechli from the EUSA Student Commission


The very interesting topics were tackled in plenary sessions as well as through workshops. Students at the Forum also had the opportunity to present their country during the FISU Fair, presenting their National University Sport Federations and the situation regarding University Sport in their countries. Besides educational part, all participants had a chance to get involved in the sports activities and experience local cuisine and culture.

Forum Fair


More than 300 participants coming from 68 different countries participated in this Forum. FISU invited student representatives from each continent to represent their Continental University Sport Federation. The European University Sports Association (EUSA) was represented by Ms Keren Lavi, Student Commission member from Israel. Present at the Forum were also some other members of the EUSA Family, namely some Executive Committee members and Student Commission members and also Organising Committee members of the European Universities Games 2016.

Presentation of the EUSA Games 2016 Zagreb-Rijeka, Croatia


The delegates also had a chance to visit some of the sports venues of the 2015 Summer Universiade, which will take place from 3th to 14th July 2015. 

Participants having chance to enjoy sports


At the end, the FISU flag was passed from the Gwangju Forum organizers to FISU First Assessor and Education Committee Chair Mrs Alison Odell who passed it to the 2016 Montpellier Forum Organizing Committee representatives - Mr Jean-François Sautereau, President of the French University Sport Federation (FFSU), Mr Vincent Rognon, National Director of FFSU and Arnaud Richard, Student Committee co-coordinator.

Forum conclusion - passing of the FISU Flag to the next organisers


For more information about the Forum, please see and

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