FISU Forum 2012 Concluded

FISU Forum 2012 Concluded

The 11th FISU Forum concluded on Saturday, March 31 with a closing ceremony, started with a welcome speech by CESU Chair Mrs Alison Odell, followed by presentations of the Forum evaluation results, followed by a cultural performance. Mr Yoon-Suk Kim, Secretary General of the 2015 Summer Universiade and at the same time of the 2014 FISU Forum that will also take place in Gwangju, Korea presented the next FISU Forum before the FISU flag was handed from the current Forum organizers to CESU Chair Mrs Odell who, together with FISU President Mr Claude-Louis Gallien, passed it to the 2014 Gwangju Forum organisers. The FISU President Mr Gallien then delivered his closing remarks and brought the 11th FISU Forum to a close with a farewell dinner at the Chinese Culture University.

Sessions at the FISU Forum

The main theme of the 2012 FISU Forum, held between March 26 and 31 in Taipei City, Chinese Taipei, was "University Sport - A Platform for Sustainable Development, with four subthemes:

A: Sportsmanship as a platform for lifelong development

B: Strategic planning for eco-friendly university sport

C: university sport - a platform for change and women's engagement

D: university sport ad a fertile ground for leadership development

Participants of the Forum


This year's FISU Forum was attended by representatives of more than 200 participants from over 60 countries worldwide, and encompassed interesting plenary sessions, engaging working groups, presentations of organisations and events organisers, featuring also a fair event. The Forum Fair was designed to be an opportunity to exchange ideas, to learn about other participating federations' culture and sport activities, all within an area designed to promote interaction, exchange and networking. The participants were also able to enjoy sports and cultural programmes and were also offered sightseeing tours to the Taipei City.

Taipei City - host city of the Forum


Within the third subtheme, the focus was on women’s engagement and gender equality and also included the Chinese Taipei becoming an official signatory of the Brighton Declaration, which the European University Sports Association has also done at its General Assembly this March.

Mr Pecovnik and Mr Eder presenting EUSA and its activities


EUSA was represented at the FISU Forum by its Vice-President Mr Leonz Eder and Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik. We are happy to report that also the organisers of the European Universities Games were present in Chinese Taipei, actively promoting the events - both the 1st EUSA Games, to be held in Cordoba, Spain this summer, as well as the 2nd EUSA Games, to be held in Rotterdam, the Netherlands in 2014.

European Universities Games 2012 and 2014 at the FISU Forum

More information about the FISU Forum can be found at and

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