FISU Extraordinary Assembly and Gala

FISU Extraordinary Assembly and Gala

On September 21, 2012, the Extraordinary General Assembly of the International University Sports Federation (FISU) took place in Kazan, Russia, the host city of the 27th Summer Universiade in 2013, followed by a Gala. The main goal of this Extraordinary General Assembly was to introduce amendments to the FISU Constitution. 108 of the 163 FISU member associations were present, well reaching the voting quorum.


After FISU President Mr Claude-Louis Gallien went through all the statute and internal regulations changes, the Assembly delegates approved the modifications. FISU Treasurer Mr Bajasgalan Danzandorj reported on the budget for the years 2012-2013.

FISU President, Vice Presidents and Secretary General


The Chair of the Education Services Committee Mrs Alison Odell announced the bid openings for the 2016 FISU Forum with the deadline for candidate hosts on March 1, 2013. Gender Equality Commission's Chair Mrs Rosaura Mendez announced 3rd Gender Equality Sport Award with the deadline for candidates on March 31, 2013. Vice-President Mr Stefan Bergh and Swedish NUSF President Mrs Johanna St. Clair-Renard presented the 2013 Rector's Forum in Umea. Secretary General Mr Eric Saintrond announced the addition of archery as a compulsory sport on the SU Programme from 2019.

Assembly participants


The agenda also included the progress report on Kazan 2013 OC's comprehensive preparations for the 27th Summer Universiade and a presentation of the city that will play host to this major FISU sporting event next summer. Prime Minister of Tatarstan Mr Ildar Khalikov and State-Secretary-Deputy Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation Mrs Natalia Parshikova attended the event and addressed the NUSF delegates. Kazan 2013 OC Director General Mr Vladimir Leonov gave the delegates an update of the preparations as well as detailed information on visa applications and travel logistics within Russia. Mrs Liliya Barieva, Executive Director of the FISU International Education Centre (IEC) explained the services of this newly created institution.

Prime Minister of Tatarstan Mr Ildar Khalikov


Mr Sergio Anesi, President of the Organising Committee of the 2013 Winter Universiade in Trentino gave an update of the preparations of the Games, replacing Maribor as host of the 26th Winter Universiade. Mr Filippo Bazzanella, Secretary General of the Trentino OC presented some technical details about the sporting events.

FISU President Mr Gallien opening the Gala


FISU celebrated its Gala Night in Kazan to honour a number of individuals, organizations and partners who contributed to the popularity of the International University Sport Movement. For the futurehosts of the Universiades, the event was also an opportunity to showcase their city and events.

Awards winners


During a spectacular show at the Cultural Complex ‘Pyramid’ in Kazan the following awards were attributed:

Best NUSF: Federation of University Sports of China (FUSC), CHN

Best university: Paris Sorbonne University, FRA

Best female athlete: Justyna Kowalczyk, POL

Best male athlete: Nelson Evora, POR

Fair play: Jeno Kamuti, HUN

Best FISU promotion project: Kazan 2013 Summer Universiade, RUS

Best international sports federation: International Basketball Federation (FIBA)

Best media partner: Eurosport

Best commercial partner: Gerflor

FISU personality of the year: Rustam Minnikhanov, RUS


Gala dinner


EUSA was represented at the FISU Assembly and Gala by its President Mr Adam Roczek and Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik. As several other EUSA Executive Committee members and representatives of the EUSA member associations were also present in Kazan, this gave an opportunity for informal discussions and strengthening the cooperation between FISU and EUSA.


Representatives of FISU and EUSA

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