FISU at the Olympic Congress

FISU at the Olympic Congress

On June 3rd, 2013, Mr Xinsheng Zhang, FISU Vice-President attended the 17th International Scientific Congress in Beijing entitled ‘Olympic Sport and Sport for All.’ On behalf of FISU, Mr Zhang delivered a keynote speech at the Congress, in which he praised the event as “a high-level conference”. Also present at the Congress were Mr Bingshu Zhong, Member of FISU Education Committee and Ms Hao Cheng, Member of FISU Student Committee.


The event took place at the Capital University of Physical Education and Sports (CUPES) who also organised it in cooperation with the International Association of Universities of Physical Culture and Sport. As the only international conference of sport science authorized to use the Olympic Rings, the Congress gained wide attendance. Mr Jaques Rogge, President of International Olympic Committee, congratulated the organisers and wrote in a letter “The various perspectives will enable participants to see the diversity of the mission that is embracing the Olympic movement and how it can be applied across the nations”.

Mr Xinsheng Zhang, FISU Vice-President


Over 480 papers contributed by 62 universities and research institutions in 16 countries were received; and on the theme “Olympic Competitive Sports and Mass Sports”, its participants discussed issues such as competitive sports, mass sports, coach training, sport industries, sport culture, sport and fitness, etc.


The Congress bridged the communities of Olympics and international university sports, where Asia has witnessed unprecedented development in recent years. The largest continent in the world is spurring international university sports in its own way. Over the past decade, also the International University Sports Federation (FISU) has attached increasing importance to Asia, which has developed rapidly in university sports. Future FISU events in Asia will include the 2014 Gwangju FISU Forum, the 2015 Gwangju Summer Universiade, the 2017 Almaty Winter Universiade and the 2017 Taipei City Summer Universiade.

Mr Kairat Zakiryanov, President of the International Association of Physical Education and Sports Universities


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