The General Assembly of the 5th International Conference of Ministers and Senior Officials responsible for Physical Education and Sport (MINEPS V) took place in Berlin, Germany on May 29 and 30, 2013.


The event was opened by the German Chancellor Mrs Angela Merkel and more than 500 delegates representing member states, international sports federations, the Council of Europe and universities attended the Assembly and adopted a new resolution on sport and physical education.


For one year, experts have worked on three main topics to prepare the Berlin Declaration. The three expert groups that summarised their works on 28 May worked on the following topics:

1) Access to Sport as a Fundamental Right for All

- Access of women and girls;

- Inclusion of persons with disabilities.

2) Promoting Investment in Sport and Physical Education Programmes

- Promoting quality physical education;

- Sport mega events and their sustainability.

3) Preserving the Integrity of Sport

- Commitment to the values of sport and the fight against match fixing, illegal betting, doping and corruption in sport.

FISU Family at the event


At the event also the International University Sports Federation - FISU was present, represented by Mrs Alison Odell, FISU 1st Assessor and Chair of the Education Committee and Mr Kole Gjeloshaj, Director for Education.

Amongst the delegates there were also some members of the FISU Family like Mr Nico Sperle, Vice-Chair of the FISU Education Committee who was in attendance in his capacity of President of the German University Sports Federation (ADH), along with ADH Secretary General Mr Paul Wedeleit.

Paul Wedeleit, Alison Odell & Nico Sperle


For more information please see

(Photos by K. Gjeloshaj, FISU)

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