FISU at the CIFP Anniversary

FISU at the CIFP Anniversary

The International Fair-Play Committee (CIFP) celebrated the 50th anniversary of its foundation on September 18, 2013. The Ceremony took place in the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France. The event was also the occasion for the 2012 fair play awards, presented by Mr Jenö Kamuti, CIFP President.


The International University Sports Federation (FISU) was also represented at the anniversary by Mr Oleg Matytsin, FISU 1st Vice-President, who is also a board member of CIFP. He was accompanied by the FISU Director of Educational Services Mr Kolë Gjeloshaj.

Oleg Matytsin with Jenö Kamuti and Sebastian Coe


The Ceremony was opened by her Excellency Mrs Katalin Bogyay, President of the General Conference of UNESCO. Many famous sports figures also attended the event, i.e. Lord Sebastian Coe who received the Jean Borotra World Fair Play Trophy for sport career and life in the spirit of Fair-Play; the French cyclist Mr Raymond Poulidor; the President of the International Paralympic Committee Sir Philip Craven and the former President of the Republic of Hungary and former Vice-President of the IOC, the fencer Mr Päl Schmitt.  

Gift exchange


In his speech, CIFP President Mr Kamuti highlighted the growing cooperation with FISU and the programme developed together during the last Summer Universiade in Kazan. At the event protocolary gifts were also exchanged, symbolically strenghtening the cooperation between the two organisations.

CIFP President at the Press Conference during the 2013 Sumemr Universiade in Kazan

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(Photos by K. Gjeloshaj, FISU and CFIP)

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