FISU assesses WUC 2016 candidatures

FISU assesses WUC 2016 candidatures

Between October 7 and 11, at the FIDSU headquarters in Brussels, the FISU Evaluation Committee assessed the candidates for the organization of the 2016 World University Championships. With the presence of delegates from more than 20 countries representing more than 30 applications in total, more than 30 World University Championships for 2016 will be proposed for approval by the Executive Committee of the International University Sports Federation (FISU) at its next meeting in November when all WUCs for 2016 will be awarded.


Mr Leonz Eder, Chair of the International Technical Committee (ITC) of the WUC and his two Vice-Chairs, Mr Luciano Cabral and Mr Aitor Canibe Sanchez, together with the Director of World University Championships, Mr Paulo Ferreira assessed all 2016 candidates from an operational point of view.

Mr Ferreira, Mr Eder and Mr Canibe Sanchez


This assessment will be added to the technical evaluation by the technical delegates of the sports involved and a recommendation will be forwarded to the FISU Executive Committee which will announce the official list of the 2016 FISU World University Championships at its next meeting in November.


The attribution will be held at the same time as for the 2019 Universiades (8 & 9 November 2013). Each WUC Organizing Committee will have more than two years of preparation to ensure optimal conditions for the participants and the highest level of competition.

WUC Director Mr Ferreira commenting on the quality of the bids for FISU TV


The European University Sports Association (EUSA) is happy to stress that EUSA members are also very active in the international level, having submitted over 20 candidatures for the World University Championships.

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