FISU announces #FISUYRP2017 participants

FISU announces #FISUYRP2017 participants

The International University Sport Federation (FISU) announced the 12 international participants - successful applicants of the 4th FISU Young Reporters’ Programme at the 29th Summer Universiade in Taipei City 2017, selected by the FISU Media & Communication Committee (CMC).

“This edition’s selection was a very tough one as a great number of high-profile candidates entered an application. The CMC made a balanced selection based on qualifications and gender equality when possible”, Ms Verena Burk, FISU 1st Assessor and Chair of CMC.

63 candidates representing 30 different countries applied and 12 participants were selected. The successful candidates represent the following countries: Uganda & South Africa (Africa), India & China (Asia), Canada & Brazil (Americas), Sweden, Belgium & France (Europe), Australia & New Zealand (Oceania). Interesting note is the fact that two of the successful candidates previously participated as student-athletes at the Universiades.

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