First meeting of the year for EUSA’s MCC

First meeting of the year for EUSA’s MCC

The EUSA Media and Communications Commission (MCC) met virtually for the first time in 2021 on Thursday, March 11, as Commission members discussed the association’s media strategy, activities and publications.

Present in the online meeting was MCC Chair Mr Bill Thompson, Secretary Mr Andrej Pisl, member Mr Kacper Czarnota as well as EUSA Communications Officer Mr Fabio De Dominicis, with apologies received from Mr Moritz Belmann, Ms Emilie Zakariassen and Ms Krunoslava Kauzlaric.

After a short introduction and catch-up, meeting attendees were given a general update from the workings within the EUSA Office, which included a progress report on the upcoming European Universities Games in Belgrade, Serbia taking place in July.

The MCC was then presented with an overview of new European Union-funded projects which EUSA is currently involved in, with discussions also taking place over other ongoing projects with a media focus, particularly the Promoting Dual Career through Education of young journalists (PRODUCE) project in which young reporters will receive guidance and mentorship at this summer’s European Universities Games.

The recently-held EUSA Awards Ceremony and the EUSA Anniversay Book was then discussed, following which an update on the 2020-21 EUSA Magazine was given. The annual publication, which will be published online, will be finalised in the coming weeks, with the MCC closely involved in its creation and production.

Media related coverage of EUG2021 was then presented, as well as EUSA’s current communication strategies in the build up to this summer’s European Universities Cycling Championship as well as the European Universities Games, with excitement building for both highly-anticipated events.

The MCC will continue to engage and offer expertise in the finalising of the annual magazine as well as other activities, fulfilling their mandate for the current year ahead.

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