FIN: 85-years of OLL

FIN: 85-years of OLL

The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) celebrated its 85-years anniversary with a gala event held in Helsinki on January 31, 2009.

Over 100 guest, who were present on the celebration, were welcomed by Mr. Jussi Sallinen, the OLL President.

Present on the celebration was also Matjaz Pecovnik, EUSA Secretary General, who congratulated the OLL on its anniversary and thanked the federation for its contribution to the development of the european and international university sports movement.

OLL also awarded the Finnish Student Athlete of the Year 2008. The award was given to 27 years old Bodil Holmström, who won 3 gold medals on WUC Orienteering 2008. Along her sport career, Bodil has well taken care of his academic work, graduating last year as a teacher of mathematics and chemistry.

More information on the OLL can be found on the official website of the federation:

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