FASU Executive Board meets

FASU Executive Board meets

FASU - Federation of African University Sports held its meeting of the Executive Board between August 31 and September 3 in Entebbe, Uganda.


The main point on the agenda were the 6th FASU Games. The Games were originally planned to take place in September in Dakar, Senegal but due to the withdrawal of the host, the Games will now be hosted by the University of Namibia in Windhoek, Namibia from December 15 to 22, 2012. The President of FASU, Mr Michael Malumbete Ralethe thanked Namibia for taking on the Games and appreciated the efforts of all other countries like Uganda and Kenya who had earlier shown interest in hosting the event. He encouraged all member countries of FASU to ensure participation in the Games.

FASU President Mr Ralethe


Other issues discussed at the meeting included the introduction of individual championships to the FASU calendar with members ratifying the Cross Country, Rugby and Judo as the 1st phase of championships; review of the various projects that have taken place since February 2012 and ratification of the projects and programs for 2012 and 2013; Completion of the re-organization process of the West African Zone of FASU which is scheduled to be completed before the end of the year; among other matters. 

University of Namibia: host of the FASU Games 2012


It is hoped that this diversification in the FASU program will give more opportunities to students to experience what university sports has to offer and will be stepping stone to competitively participate in international university sports events.


More information about the meeting and FASU: www.africauniversitysports.com

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