FADU contributes to ethics in sports in POR

FADU contributes to ethics in sports in POR
The President of Portuguese Academic University Sports Federation (FADU), Bruno Barracosa and the Director of University of Minho Sports Services, Fernando Parente, were appointed ambassadors for Ethics in Sports in Portugal by the Secretary of State for Sport and Youth, Alexandre Mestre.
At the presentation held on February 27th, in Lisbon, chaired by the Deputy Minister and Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Miguel Relvas, were present the most illustrious personalities of Portuguese sports, was presented the National Plan for Ethics in Sport.

Alexandre Mestre (SSSY) explains the National Plan for Ethics in Sports
Nelson Evora, Triple Jump Olympic champion and gold medal in the last two editions of the Universiade (2009 and 2011), was honoured with the Medal of Sportive Merit in this session. The athlete, also ambassador for Ethics in Sport, spoke on behalf of the 150 athletes, officials and coaches appointed ambassadors by the government. He highlighted the importance of ethics in sport and the values associated with the comprehensive training of youngsters and the construction of a more just and caring society.

Nélson Évora spoke to the audience
This plan has many awareness-raising initiatives, and FADU will participate actively in the promotion and training of the values of fair play, respect for the game rules, colleagues and opponents, responsibility and friendship, tolerance and mutual help, volunteering and lifelong education.
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