FADU celebrates 20th anniversary

Today FADU – National University Sport Federation of Portugal celebrates its 20th Anniversary. The celebrations has started last weekend with a lunch with all members of the foundation committee and the presidents of the students unions at the time of its foundation.
FADU was founded on March 2nd 1990 by a movement of 10 public university student unions. The foundation committee was composed by 7 members, chaired by Rui Fonseca from University of Coimbra. Pedro Dias (FISU Executive Committee member) was also member of this foundation group. On the occasion of the celebration of its 20th anniversary, FADU President Andre Couto took the initiative to organize a lunch with all members of the foundation committee and the presidents of the students unions at the time of its foundation.
The lunch had the attendance of the full composition of FADU foundation committee, and FADU was also represented by it’s president and two vice-presidents Estevão Cordovil and Rafael Ferreira.
This significant moment was excellent to relive memories of University Sport and the dedicated efforts of the group that 20 years ago decided to found the Portuguese University Sports Federation – FADU.
FADU President presented some commemorative gifts: FADU medal and a signed book of sport memories written by FISU honorary member, Armando Rocha.
Pedro Dias and Fernando Parente (FISU CIC member) were also in attendance at this important moment for FADU.
FADU is planning to have the full commemorations of this 20th anniversary during the 3rd FADU gala, next October 2010.