EVS midterm evaluation meeting

EVS midterm evaluation meeting

Mr Loic Etienne, the European Volunteer Service (EVS) volunteer and project assistant in the European University Sports Association (EUSA) participated in EVS Midterm Evaluation in Debeli Rtic, Slovenia between March 18 and 21, 2014.


This training was divided into several parts, consisting of evaluation of the EVS experience on this midterm period for each participant, promotion of EVS, knowledge of the final report, future opportunities to work abroad, and more information about Erasmus+ program. The event was organised by Movit, the national Youth in Action agency in Slovenia, and ran by a group of experienced youth trainers.

Mr Etienne talking about his experience in EUSA


It was a great opportunity for all the long-term volunteers to compare their experiences after a period of 6 months in their own organisations. They were also able to create new partnerships and help other volunteers to achieve their personal project within their organisations. 


EVS is a European Commission’s activity, formerly in the Youth in Action programme, now under Erasmus+, helping young people from Europe and programme countries to develop their sense of solidarity by participating, either individually or in group, in non-profit, unpaid voluntary activities abroad.

Importance of team work


For more information about EVS opportunities in EUSA; please see http://www.eusa.eu/en/projects/evs

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