EUSA Working meetings in Switzerland

EUSA Working meetings in Switzerland

Mr Leonz Eder, EUSA Treasurer a.i., Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, EUSA Secretary General and Ms Danijela Babic, EUSA Office Assistant met on a working meeting in Zurich October 28-30.


Mr Pecovnik and Mr Eder

The participants discussed several issues related to financial matters, such as proposal for financial regulations, estimated realisation and provisional budget for 2011. EUSA representatives also met with Mr Robert Frey to discuss the audit matters.


Mr Eder, Mr Frey & Mr Pecovnik

A day before, the Mr Eder, Mr Pecovnik and Ms Babic visited the seat of Credit Suisse in St Gallen where they met with Mr Albert Hutter, Vice President at CS Corporate Banking Consultancy. As EUSA has its bank account opened at Credit Suisse, the topics related to the daily financial operations and future mutual co-operation were discussed.


Mr Eder, Mr Hutter & Mr Pecovnik

The outcomes of the meetings, with conclusions and proposals, will be presented to the next EUSA Executive Committee which meets in Novi Sad, Serbia from December 5-6, 2010.

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