EUSA working meeting in Slovenia

EUSA working meeting in Slovenia

On July 26 and 27, EUSA Treasurer a.i. Leonz Eder and Secretary General Matjaz Pecovnik met for a working session in the new EUSA Headquarters in Ljubljana. Among other topics they discussed the budget for 2010 and the estimated realisation. They also prepared some milestones for the 2011 budget to be presented to the EUSA Executive Committee. Financial regulations and operations were additional issues as well as the discussion about the creation of a new EUSA Foundation or an advisory board which should help EUSA assure the financial basis also in the future.

Besides of the new sponsorship contract with Asiana Airlines which is valid from 2010-2012, EUSA must find additional revenues in order to guarantee the running of its big sports programme and all the services, offered to the members and the organising committees, by the office in Ljubljana.


Matjaz Pecovnik, EUSA Secretary General, Spela Pipan, Sava Bled Hotels Manager & Leonz Eder, EUSA EC treasurer

Eder and Pecovnik also paid an inspection visit to Bled where they had a meeting with Mrs Spela Pipan, Product Manager at the Sava Bled Hotels. EUSA will host the annual EUSA Convention 2010 between November 12 and 14 in Bled. The Convention is intended for the representatives of the Organising Committees of the European Universities Championships 2011 and EUSA Technical Delegates.


Sava Bled Hotel Park

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