EUSA Working meeting in Munich

EUSA Working meeting in Munich

EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek, Treasurer Mr Olaf Tabor and Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik met on December 2, 2013 in Munich, Germany, to discuss the matters connected to the realisation of the program for the current year as well as the activity plan for the upcoming period. 


At the beginning of the meeting Mr Pecovnik presented the latest EUSA activities focusing on the discussions and meetings held during the EU Seminar on Week of Sports as well as on the 

preparatory meeting for the next EUSA General Assembly held in Denizli. The action plan for both events was agreed. 

EUSA President Mr Roczek and Treasurer Mr Tabor


Special attention was then given to the realisation of the projects supported by FISU. Mr Pecovnik presented as well the report on the meetings with FISU Media, Education and CDSU department held in Brussels in November.  The participants also discussed the topics connected to the organisation of the next editions of the European Universities Games and agreed on the further activity plan. 


The second part of the meeting was devoted to the presentation of the annual budget realisation and preparation of the next two year budget. Participants also discussed the implementation of the new visual identity of the association. The outcomes of the meeting will be presented at the next EUSA Executive Committee Meeting, to be held end of January in Rotterdam.

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