EUSA working meeting in Ljubljana

EUSA working meeting in Ljubljana

On October 25 and 26, EUSA Office in Ljubljana hosted the working meeting of the EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek, Chair of the Statutory working group Mr Dinos Pavlou, Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, Sports Manager Mr Patrik Perosa and Communications Manager Mr Andrej Pisl.


At the meeting the attention was first given to the preparation of internal documents governing EUSA and its sports events, namely the European Universities Games, European Universities Championships, EUSA Cups and Patronage events.

EUSA Working meeting in Ljubljana, with Mr Pecovnik, Mr Roczek, Mr Pisl, Mr Pavlou and Mr Perosa


The participants then focused on the upcoming Executive Committee meeting which is going to take place in Trieste, Italy the upcoming weekend and on the EUSA Convention which will be held in Portoroz, Slovenia from November 15 to 18, 2012.


Apart from these, other topics were also discussed, related to the running of the organisation and its strategic plans.


The outcomes of the meeting will be presented to the EUSA Executive Committee Members at the upcoming meeting.

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