EUSA welcomes new staff members

EUSA welcomes new staff members

European University Sports Association (EUSA) and its Institute are happy to introduce our work reinforcements – Ms Eszter Gulyas and Mr Salvatore Sisca.

Ms Ezster Gulyas is joining the EUSA Office in Ljubljana as Sports Officer, while Mr Salvatore Sisca is the new Media Coordinator. 

EUSA is happy to welcome new enthusiastic people, with fresh ideas and new experience. 

Eszter comes from Hungary and first joined EUSA at the EUG Cordoba 2012 and has since then participated in every edition of the European Universities Games and several EUSA Championships, becoming one of our most experienced volunteers, covering multiple fields of volunteering. She has also been involved mainly as a medical in FINA, LEN and FISU events.

As the child of two coaches, she was literally brought up on the sports field, with swimming and volleyball developing her personality and enabling her to become a skilled individual and team player.

Sports Officer - Ms Eszter Gulyas
She studied pharmacy at Semmelweis University Budapest, specialised in clinical pharmacy after graduation and has been working at the university's medical center for the last six years.

Although it is her first time in Ljubljana, Eszter feels welcomed like family by the EUSA Office and hopes to successfully use her experience gained in healthcare, sport and volunteering as a Sports Officer.

Salvatore comes from Italy and he's lived in Milan for the past 12 years. He played volleyball for almost two decades, has a Bachelor's Degree in Cognitive Psychology from University of Trento and he studied Technology of Communication at University of Milano-Bicocca.

Mr Salvatore Sisca - Media Coordinator

After some years as a freelance in digital consultancy, Salvatore worked for CUS Milano for the past 5 years as Communication Manager for the University of Milano-Bicocca section: there he had the opportunity to converge his passions and interests as a brand identity manager and sport enthusiast. He genuinely believes in university sport as an all-round personal experience, made up of development, education and socio-cultural opportunities.

We are extremely happy and proud to have received two great young people, and we welcome them to our team!

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