EUSA Webinar on EUC 2023

On 1st of December, the European University Sports Association hosted an insightful webinar, having as the main topic, the upcoming European Universities Championships in 2023.
The webinar saw 50 participants from 24 countries, representing different NUSA and Organisational Committees working on the Championships, foreseen to take place in different countries in 2023.
Following an introduction given by EUSA Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek had a welcoming address, thanking all the present participants and taking the opportunity to share a short recap of the success of the European Universities Games, the impressive job of different parties involved in EUSA events as well as to wish all the future organisers lots of success in the European Universities Championships, next year.
The first of three keynote presentations was delivered by Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, EUSA Secretary General, who presented the activity reports from the Games in Lodz, recap of EUSA Convention and the commemoration of #LetsIDUS and #BeActive campaigns, as well as, sharing important future events, such as EUSA-FISU seminar and EUSA General Assembly, inspection visits, future collaborations, action plans and projects.
The second keynote address was delivered by EUSA Sports Manager, Mr Miha Zvan, who did a presentation of all upcoming European Universities Championships, sharing important details regarding location, inspection visits and ongoing status of the preparations.
Next to present, important information and changes, was Mr Mariano Carcatella EUSA Assistant Sport Manager. During this address, participants had the chance to hear more about the changes regarding the registration process, important deadlines to follow and detailed explanation of every step in the process.
Before the participants had the chance to interact in an Q&A session, Mr Matjaz Pecovnik presented a few more changes around the registration fees and took the opportunity to present and invite all the participants, their universities and organizations , to consider the opportunity of becoming EUSA Associate Members.
On this EUC Webinar, we had the honor to host representatives from the TeqBall Federation, Ms Janika Janicsak and Mr Mate Bor, who had the opportunity to present the framework of future cooperation, the development of TeQ sports, and to express the interest of integrating Teq sports into the world of university sport.
The closing address was given on behalf of EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek, who together with Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, invited the present guest to join with video for a quick meet and greet moment, as a great conclusion of this successful webinar.
More information on the European Universities Championships and the opening of the registration, please see