EUSA Volunteer Programme 2012

EUSA Volunteer Programme 2012

European University Sports Association (EUSA), in cooperation with its Student Commission (EUSA STC) and the Organising Committee of the 1st European Universities Games, is offering students from Europe a unique opportunity of actively participating in the organisation of EUSA events as volunteers.


For the 2012 European Universities Games, to take place in Cordoba, Spain between July 13 and 23, you may register at by March 31, and you will be notified about your selection by April 20.


EUSA Volunteers


The main aim of the Program is to give a chance for young students, who are interested in sports and in organizing sport events, to get the opportunity of experiencing a unique adventure, learning about the values of sport, and gaining valuable work experience through volunteering.

The Volunteer Program 2012 is focused on one important event; the selected candidates can take part in the organization of the European Universities Games, a multi-sport student event, consisting of ten sports, and taking place between July 13 and 23 in Cordoba, Spain. More information about the 1st European Universities Games:

The participants will raise their competencies and skills in organising sport event in the European level, get new experiences in different fields, will be useful for the organising committee, exchange knowledge, learn about the culture of the country, get new friends all over the Europe and much more.

The Volunteer Programme includes for example working for the organising committee, supporting the organizers in the competition fields (global coordination, manning information desks, communication between organization committee and referees, guests).

In the frame of the Volunteer Program, full board and transfer from airport/station to venue is provided, volunteers only have to ensure the travel to Cordoba.

EUSA Volunteer Programme 

In the Volunteer Program 2012 there are 30 open places. Only those with academic eligibility in European institutes of higher education can apply (students or graduates). The application form is available online at Application deadline is March 31, 2012 and EUSA STC will inform all applicants about the results by April 20, 2012.

For more information, please see the Volunteers page or contact us at

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