EUSA visits Romania

EUSA visits Romania

EUSA President Mr Alberto Gualtieri and Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik are visiting Bucharest from April 6-8, 2011 to meet the representatives of the University Sports Federation of Romania, the National University of Physical Education and Sport, Ministry of Sports and the National Olympic Committee.

EUSA President Mr Gualtieri and Rector dr. Cojocaru

The intensive program started with a visit to the National University of Physical Education and Sport (UNESF), where the EUSA representatives had an opportunity to meet the Rector, prof. dr. Viorel Cojocaru. Present on the meeting was also Mr Adrian Gagea, Director of Interdisciplinary Research Centre and also the FISU Auditor since 1991. In the fruitful discussion held, Mr Gualtieri presented EUSA activities to the Rector. “EUSA looks forward to welcome university teams from Romania to the European Universities Championships, and is ready to offer its member all the support to achieve this goal,” he pointed out. After the meeting the participants visited the UNESF Museum, where EUSA President had a privilege to sign the Golden Book of Honour.


Signing the Golden Book

In the afternoon, a special reception with a presence of Olympic Medallists was organised for the EUSA representatives. Mrs Elisabeta Lipa, the most decorated rower in the history of the Olympics, winner of five gold, two silver and one bronze medal, Mrs Gabriela Szabo, winner of one gold, silver and bronze medal in athletics, Mrs Andrea Raducan, winner of gold and silver medal in gymnastics and Mr Mihai Covaliu, winner of gold and bronze medal in fencing joined the reception that was held in a pleasant atmosphere. As all the sportsmen now work in the National Sports Federations as their leaders, managers or coaches. They listened with an interest to the presentation of international university sports activities given by the guests.

In company of Olympic medallists

Later on, Mr Gualtieri and Mr Pecovnik also had a meeting with the representatives of the University Sports Federation of Romania, Mrs Claudia Georgescu, Secretary General, Mr Matac Liviu, Accountant and Mr Adrian Gagea. EUSA President congratulated Mrs Georgescu for her recent nomination on the position of the Secretary General, where she replaced Mr Lador Ioan Ion. The participants discussed the activity plan of the associations and possibilities for bigger involvement of Romania in EUSA events in the future.


Mr Gualtieri explained that EUSA will support the National University Sports Association in all its efforts to further develop the university sport in the country. At the end of the meeting, the EUSA plaquette was presented by EUSA President to Mrs Georgescu.


EUSA plaquette for Mrs Georgescu


The EUSA visit in Romania continues tomorrow with meetings on the Ministry of Sports and Olympic Committee of Romania.

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