EUSA visits Liechtenstein

EUSA visits Liechtenstein

On the invitation of the University Sports Federation of Liechtenstein (USFL) Mr Alberto Gualtieri, EUSA President, Mr Leonz Eder, Treasurer and Mr Matjaz Pecovnik Secretary General visited Lichtenstein on September 23, 2011.

The EUSA Representatives were welcomed by Mr Gregor Diehr, USFL President and Ms Verena Burtscher, Secretary General, together with Mr Jakob Buchel, President of Sports Commission of Liechtenstein and Mr Stefano Nascher, Head of the Office of Sports of Liechtenstein.


Mr Gregor Diehr, USFL President

The meeting took place on the University of Liechtenstein in Vaduz. The representatives of USFL presented the structure and activities of the federation. USFL was recently formed with a vision to be a provider for adequate structures for and between universities, to dispatch the students for international competitions, to promote the synergies between studies and competitive sports, to represent the Principality of Lichtenstein and to organise the academic sports competitions in Lichtenstein.

Group photo in front of the University of Liechenstein

One of the goals is also the membership in International University Sports Federation as well as in European University Sports Association. The first goal has already been achieved in Shenzhen, where USFL was accepted in FISU Membership. On the occasion of the meeting in Vaduz, the USFL President informed the EUSA Representatives that the federation will apply to become EUSA Member at the next EUSA General Assembly to be held in March 17, 2012 in Maribor, Slovenia.

EUSA President awarding EUSA Books to the hosts

The EUSA President Mr Gualtieri thanked the hosts for the invitation and presented the EUSA Activities. He congratulated the USFL President for establishment of the federation, as well as expressed full support of EUSA for further development of the University Sports in the Principality of Liechtenstein. ‘We are looking forward to welcome you as the 44th EUSA Member Country', he added. Mr Gualtieri also presented the EUSA anniversary book to the hosts.

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