EUSA visits its Cypriot member

EUSA visits its Cypriot member

During his visit to Cyprus where the EU Sports Forum takes place September 19-20, 2012, EUSA Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik met with the representatives of the Cyprus University Sports Federation (CUSF).


Mr Krashias Michalis, CUSF President; Mr Razos Panis, Vice President and Mr Dinos Pavlou, former CUSF President welcomed Mr Pecovnik at the University of Cyprus. The participants discussed the situation on the university sports in Europe and Cyprus; as well as the future activity plan. Mr Pecovnik was also informed on the structure and organisation of the sports for students of the University of Cyprus.

University of Cyprus Sports Centre


Afterwards, the participants visited the sport facilities of the University of Cyprus, which will also host the participants of 2013 European Universities Volleyball Championship in Nicosia June 23-20, 2012.

Sports hall

The organisers are already working on the project, and more information on the event is already available on the official website

Website of the 12th European Universities Volleyball Championship - Nicosia 2013


At the end, Mr Pecovnik presented the organisers the details on the EUSA Convention 2012 for organisers of the 2013 EUSA Events which will take place from November 15-18, 2012 in Portoroz, Slovenia, and thanked representatives of CUSF for their hospitality.

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