EUSA visits its Bulgarian member

EUSA visits its Bulgarian member

On the Invitation of the Bulgarian University Sports Association (AUS Akademik), EUSA President Mr Alberto Gualtieri and Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik visited Sofia from September 28-29, 2010. The EUSA representatives were welcomed by the AUS Akademik President Prof Peter Bonov and Secretary General Ms Kamelia Atanasova.

The intensive program started with a visit to the National Sports Academy (NSA) Vassil Levski, where Mr Gualtieri and Mr Pecovnik had an opportunity to meet and discuss with the Rector Prof Lachezar Dimitrov and the members of the Rector's Board. After the meeting the guests visited the sport facilities of the Academy and also the AUS Akademik new office, located in the Sports Campus of the NSA.


Rector of the National Sports Academy Vassil Levski and EUSA President

On Wednesday morning the meeting with the AUS Akademik Executive Committee Members was held. In his welcome speech Mr Bonov thanked EUSA for the visit and all the support given in the recent period. He explained that this visit could present a milestone of the new era of the university sports in his country. He added that Bulgaria has a rich tradition in the University Sports (four Universiades were organised in this country), but has during the transition period reduced its international university sports activities. Mr Bonov stressed however that the newly elected board has a clear ambition to recuperate the University Sport in his country and to become one of the most active federations in Europe. Bulgaria sent first university team to EUSA championships this year; it was University of National and World Economy from Sofia which participated in the EUC Basketball in Poznan.


University board, AUS Akademic and EUSA representatives

Mr Gualtieri thanked Mr Bonov for the invitation. He explained that EUSA will support the National University Sports Association in all its efforts to further develop the university sport in the country. EUSA President stressed that in this direction the EUSA Executive Committee already took two important decisions: to attribute the 2011 European Universities Taekwondo Championship to Sofia and to financially support the running of office and establishing the IT of AUS Akademik.


Presidents and Secretary Generals of EUSA and AUS Akademik

After the meeting, a press conference was held at the National Sports Academy with presence of the journalists, professors and students, who showed great interest in EUSA Volunteering Program and participation in the championships.


Press conference

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