EUSA visited by member from Albania

EUSA visited by member from Albania

Mr Besnik Veliu, President of the Albanian Students Sports Association (ASSA), visited EUSA Office on Friday, June 16.

The purpose of the meeting was to further discuss the involvement of the Albanian NUSA and athletes at EUSA events and projects as well as assist the new formed structure of the Albanian Students Sports Association in creating the strategic development plans and future projects. The meeting was a follow-up to EUSA’s visit to Albania in March earlier this year.

EUSA meeting with ASSA

Mr Matjaž Pečovnik, EUSA Secretary General, and Mr Besim Aliti, EUSA Sports Manager, welcomed Mr Veliu, thanked him for coming to Ljubljana and for his efforts in creating the strong relationship with EUSA and on the national level where Albanian Students Sports Association is becoming one of the core federations of Albanian sport.

Gift exchange

Mr Veliu presented the success they have achieved so far in structuring the Association at national level and the plans for the future. In addition, he thanked Mr Pecovnik for the reception at EUSA Office.

Albania will be represented at this year’s European Universities Taekwondo Championship in Coimbra, 24-27 July by a 4 members delegation.

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