EUSA to add Sports Climbing to its programme

EUSA to add Sports Climbing to its programme

EUSA Executive Committee Members decided on its meeting held in Yerevan (Armenia), on October 24, 2013 to introduce Sports Climbing in the EUSA Sports Program. First European Universities Championship in this sport will be held in 2015. 


"Climbing is one of the basic human movements, we climb before we’re able to stand up and walk. Many millions of people from all around the Globe climb regularly outdoors and indoors: almost 3,000 people try climbing for the first time every day. So many young people find in the three disciplines (Speed, Lead and Bouldering) what best fits their personalities. The sport has gained credibility not only because of its spectacular competitions, but also for its social values, witnessed by its introduction as a curricular-scholar sport in many countries, and programs for people with a disability and other disadvantaged individuals. The quick development and growth, now also registered in many developing countries, prove that this sport can be proposed as an alternative, young, spectacular activity to people of all ages, everywhere." Marco Maria Scolaris, International Federation of Sport Climbing (IFSC) President.

IFSC President Mr Marco Maria Scolaris


Sports Climbing is certainly one of the emerging sports in last years in Europe and worldwide. Many students are practising and competing on national, regional, continental and international levels. The first edition of the European Universities Sports Climbing Championship will be for sure a successful one, especially because the IFCS with its European council (IFCS Europe) and EUSA started an intensive cooperation.

Sports Climbing Competitions


EUSA is therefore opening a bidding process for the organisation of the 1st edition of the Championship and for the position of Technical Delegate for Sports Climbing. National University Sports Associations, EUSA members may submit their bids and proposals by January 15, 2014.

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