EUSA Technical Delegate elected in IHF

EUSA Technical Delegate elected in IHF

From 25 to 28 October 2013 the handball world focused on Doha, Qatar for the XXXIV International Handball Federation (IHF) Ordinary Congress which also included the elections of all IHF bodies. Delegates from all around the world got an overview of all IHF projects, events and activities which had being carried out in the past electoral period (2009-2013), and the plans for 2013-2017.


Other important parts were also the decisions about new IHF memberships, attribution of Junior and Youth Championships for 2015-2017and hosting city of the 2015 IHF Ordinary Congress.

IHF Congress participants


Dr Hassan Moustafa was re-elected President of the International Handball Federation. Also IHF 1st Vice President Mr Miguel Roca Mas from Spain and Treasurer Mr Sandi Sola from Croatia will continue in their functions for the next four years period. The new member in the Executive Committee is Czech representative Mr Frantisek Taborsky.

Mr Frantisek Taborski (in the middle) with former EHF President Mr Tor Lian (on the left) and IHF President Mr Hassan Moustafa (on the right)


Mr Taborsky also is a long-term Technical delegate with the European University Sports Association (EUSA) and has significantly contributed to the partnership between the European Handball Federation (EHF) and EUSA.

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