EUSA Symposium concluded

EUSA Symposium concluded

The 6th EUSA Symposium held from October 15-18, 2009 in Zadar (CRO) successfully finished. More than 50 participants attended the event organised by the Croatian University Sports Federation (CUSF), the University of Zadar and the Zadar University Sports Association.At the Opening Ceremony, held in the University of Zadar, the EUSA President and the representatives of the Organising Committee, CUSF, University of Zadar and the City of Zadar warmly welcomed all the participants. The Symposium Planary Session was opened by Mr. Zrinko Čustonja who spoke about Origins of Fair Play and its Meanings in Modern Sport and Society. Ms. Verena Burk presented the Situation, Barriers and Challenges of Women in the International University Sport. The Structure of Student Sport in Croatia was presented by Mr. Ronald Strumberger, while Mr. Arie Rosenzweig spoke on the Unique Concept of Operating Sports and Recreational Activities on a University Campus. The session continued with the Introduction to EU’s White Paper on Sport made by Mr. Karl Olav Haaland and concluded with the presentations of the Norwegian Student Games, the Friendship Games and the University Sports in Poland. In the evening a boat tour was organised for the participants.


On the second day the participants listened to Ms. Karolina Rohan who presented on the EUSA STC Volunteer Program, Mr. Maciek Samsonowicz who spoke on Volunteering and Ms. Verena Burk who presented the Best practice of Promoting Women in Sport. The session concluded with the topic Marketing and Funds in Sports presented by Ms. Sanja-Pola Katavić.


In the afternoon the participants enjoyed the Sightseeing Tour. On the Closing Ceremony the EUSA President Mr. Alberto Gualtieri thanked Ms. Antonija Cerkez, Organising Committee President and Mrs. Jadranka Protic, CUSF Vice President on the excellent organisation of the event.


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