EUSA Symposium about to start

EUSA Symposium about to start
The 6th EUSA Symposium will begin in few days. The event will be organised by the Croatian University Sports Federation from October 15-18, 2009 in Zadar (CRO).

The event is a unique opportunity for both students and professors to discuss sports oriented themes through interesting and efficient way. The Organising Committee plans to introduce a new approach through workshops that will engage all participants into a vivid and useful discussion and outcomes. It is their intention to connect the two generations in this way, and to interrelate students’ pursue of knowledge and their fresh and innovative ideas at the same time. It is expected that around 50 people will attend the symposium.

At the same time, city of Zadar will host EUSA Executive Committee meeting between October 16 and 18.

Contact details:
University of Zadar
Zadar University Sports Association
Obala kralja Petra Krešimira IV. 2
HR-23000 Zadar
Contact person: Antonija ÄŒerkez
Phone/Fax: +385 23 200 789
Mobile: +385 98 9576 345


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