EUSA Supervision Commission visits Belgrade

EUSA Supervision Commission visits Belgrade

Between November 12 and 14, Serbian capital Belgrade hosted the EUSA Supervision Commission visit and meetings related to the European Universities Games 2020 (EUG2020). The European University Sports Association (EUSA) was represented by five members, EUSA Vce-President Mr Kemal Tamer, Executive Committee Members Mr Milan Zvan and Mr Tarmo Jaakson, with EUSA Sectretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik and Sports Manager Mr Besim Aliti.

Meeting the Organising Committee

During the 3-day visit, several important meetings were held, where the Organizing Committee lead by its President, Mr Sinisa Jasnic, confirmed their full dedication to the project, significant organizational progress and strong commitment by their key partners.


On the first day, a meeting between EUSA Supervision Commission and the Organizing Committee was held, where Mr Jasnic introduced new members of their team and presented the progress. Mr Tamer, as Chair of EUSA Supervision Commission, thanked Mr Jasnic and emphasized that EUSA is satisfied with the progress, but also highlighted that it is crucial at this stage, that the organizational structure, as well as stages of recruiting new members is clearly defined.

Visiting the Offices

Later, EUSA Supervision Commission visited the new headquarters of the Organizing Committee which is expected to be officially opened in the next month. The new headquarters will surely enable the Organizing Committee to build and accommodate a strong team that will be in charge of delivering EUG 2020.

At the University of Belgrade

The next day meetings were held at the University of Belgrade with the Vice Rector Ms Ivanka Popovic, and at the Ministry of Youth and Sport with state’s Sport Secretary Mr Predrag Perunicic and Deputy Minister Mr Darko Udovicic.

Reception at the Ministry

Both partners, once again, expressed their full commitment and support to the project. In addition, it was promised that the partners will help the OC to organize one of the best Games in EUSA history.

#beactive venue visit

The same day, EUSA Supervision Commission visited the dormitories Studentski Grad, inspecting the participants’ accommodation and catering areas. The delegation expressed the satisfaction with the standard of the service, as well as additional services at accommodation areas, and emphasized that the key advantage is that it will serve as Athletes’ village, having all participants in one place.

EUSA presentation by Mr Pecovnik

In the evening, EUSA Supervision Commission attended the Sport Conference organized by students of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences and Sport Index, which is celebrating the fifth birthday. EUSA would also like to congratulate on their great achievements in promoting University Sport in the last five years and wish the success in the upcoming period. Mr Pecovnik presented EUSA, while Mr Jasnic presented the program of the EUG 2020. In addition, the conference was attended by some of the great names in world of sport such as Mr Dejan Savic, one of the best Water Polo coaches in the history of sports, and Mr Stefan Stojacic, one of the best 3x3 Basketball players in the world.

Press conference

On the last day, a press conference in the University of Belgrade was held, attended by EUSA Supervision Commission Chair Mr Tamer, EUSA Secretary General Mr Pecovnik, OC President Mr Jasnic and University of Belgrade Vice Rector Ms Popovic. Besides expressing the satisfaction with the progress, all partners highlighted the importance of building the University Sports Centre at Bezanijska Kosa, which should be, as it was presented in the Bidding Book, the key legacy of the Games in Belgrade that will serve students in the University of Belgrade in the years to come. The second important legacy that the University of Belgrade and OC is aiming to achieve is reintroducing mandatory Physical Education on university level. Mr Pecovnik, especially emphasized that EUSA will carefully track the progress of building the new University Centre and will work closely with the OC partners in order to achieve this.


The visit concluded with agreement on the activities to be held in the upcoming period, including the EUSA and EUG 2020 promotion during Belgrade Sports Fair, common preparation of the Games Master Plan, working meeting with EUG 2018 Organising Committee and official Opening of the EUG 2020 Headquarters.

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