EUSA Student Commission nominated

EUSA Student Commission nominated

We would like to inform you that the new 4 members of the EUSA Student Commission have been appointed by the EUSA Executive Committee.


The new members are Ms Keren Lavi (ISR), Mr Nick (Roger Y) Braet (BEL), Mr Christopher Purdie (GBR) and Mr Jakob Bassanese (SLO). They will join the existing four members Ms Isabel Collischonn (SUI) as the chair, with Ms Kaisa Myllyla (FIN), Ms Aikaterini Zompanaki (GRE) and Mr Bruno Narracosa (POR) as members.


The commission will meet end of February or at the beginning of March 2013, to discuss the activity plan for 2013 and assign the projects, responsibilities, and tasks among the EUSA STC members.

EUSA Student Commission in previous composition

We would like to congratulate the new members and welcome them to the EUSA Family. At the same time, we would like to thank the ones whose mandate has finished for all their work and commitment - Ms Maria Rubach-Skar (NOR), Ms Olga Doktorova (RUS), Mr Nermin Potur (BIH) and Mr Zoltan Rakazki (HUN).


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