EUSA Student Commission meets in Porto

EUSA Student Commission meets in Porto

The EUSA Student Commission members met in Porto, Portugal on Saturday, July 27, 2013. They were joined by Mr Andrej Pisl, EUSA Communications Manager. This was the second time the Student Commission have been together in 2013 after their first initial meeting in Slovenia during February. 


The meeting took place within the city of Porto where the 9th European Universities Beach Volleyball Championship was taking place at the same time. The chair of the Student Commission Ms Isabel Collischonn (SUI) welcomed the group and thanked them for their attendance. The members were welcomed also by Mr Fernando Parente, EUSA Executive Committee Member and Mr Ruben Alves, the President of the EUC Beach Volleyball Organizing Committee. The meeting was very constructive and outlined new plans for student activity for 2013 and 2014. The meeting saw developments in various different projects such as the Student Volunteer Programme, Photo Competition, monthly student column, networking and communications, anti-doping programmes and a Social Responsibility initiative. 


This was the last time the group will formally meet in its current composition before four new individual student members are elected. Although the four outgoing members don’t conclude until October the Student Commission would like to thank Isabel Collischon (SUI), Bruno Baracossa (POR), Kaisa Myllylä (FIN), Aikaterini Zompanaki (GRE) for their hard work over and dedication over the last two years. Further thanks go to FADU and Bruno Barracossa (president of FADU) for the hospitality ad hosting the meeting for the Student Commission. 


The Student Commission of the European University Sports Association is composed of eight members who have common interest in promoting sports and physical activity among students in Europe. Their mandate is two years, and it is currently composed by the members Bruno Barracosa (POR), Kaisa Myllylä (FIN), Aikaterini Zompanaki (GRE), Christopher Purdie (GBR), Nick Braet (BEL), Keren Lavi (ISR), Jakob Bassanese (SLO), and Isabel Collischonn (SUI) as the chair of the commission.


As mentioned, four new students will be elected to the Committee in October. If you are interested and currently studying within Europe, please ask your national university sports association to propose you as the candidate. You can also get in contact with the Student Commission for more information at

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